
Entries in rites of passage (4)


MROP event, Perth, Scotland July 24-28

I'm travelling this weekend to be part of this extraordinary annual UK event. It's probably my favourite week of the year - quite a privilege to be part of a group of guys who are going with a very ancient flow, and going against the secular tide.

I look forward to meeting some of you there one day, or in one of the other places around the world where it is either established or planned. There are strong foundations in the USA and the Czech Republic, and interest from Denmark, South Africa and Australia, among others.

Find more details at and at



Thin places - The Bield at Blackruthven

This is a picture of one aspect of the Bield at Blackruthven, in Scotland, where we will hold this year's Men's Rites of Passage. In Celtic spirituality, this would be know as a thin place, a place where the veil between earth and heaven is thinner than normal, and where it is easier to perceive the spiritual and to interact with it than in a more humdrum location.

"Bield" is a word that can variously contain the meanings of refuge, shelter, protection, nurture, encouragement, emboldening, or succour. It is a truly beautiful place that describes itself as a centre for spiritual renewal, and rests without apology on Christian foundations while opening its doors to people of all faiths and of none. People go there all year round to find quietude, stillness, healing, to learn and be taught, to pray and reflect. It also hosts a number of other events during the year including Solas, the Scottish version of the Greenbelt festival.

As a location it is ideal for the Men's Rites of Passage, with its quiet open spaces and access to wild open country, and its history of providing a sacred space for learning, growth and healing. You can find the website here.