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Living wholeheartedly

How sad to see the death of Natasha Richardson today, after what appeared to be a minor skiing accident. At only 45 years old, she could reasonably have expected to to live the same amount again, gown old with her husband and kids.

But seeing some of the lovely, poignant photos of her with her family, and looking back at some of the memorable acting roles she brought to the stage and the screen, and the general air of love and appreciation that seems to surround her life, I have to say that even though her life has been cut short, she has lived it well. And in the final accounting, if there is one, I would say that she seems to have had lived wholeheartedly, and been surrounded by people who love her.

It's an epitaph we should all aspire to and be proud of.  So remember how short your span may be, or how long, and live it well, with heart, for we only really have today.

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