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Huey Lewis was right

A friend of mine attended an old school reunion recently, where he ran into numerous friends of very ancient standing, some of whom were more interesting than twenty years ago, some less. But he was most moved by one particular person of whom he had been particularly fond some while ago.  Both had been married to others in the meantime.

He was hit by such a wave of unabashed affection that he said afterwards he felt like he'd been hit by a train. Simple, unhidden affection such as you'd get between children. He had been struggling in a loveless relationship, she was separated and preparing for a divorce, and the old magnetic field was obviously still operational.

Despite not having seen her for nearly twenty years, he spent half the evening talking to her and the other half wondering where she was when he couldn't see her. And since resuming normal life (work, daily round etc) he's reported that women and children keep smiling at him, strangers ask for directions, he's downloading soppy music from iTunes, and his head is swimming with beautiful thoughts.

How nice to see the power of love so simply and artlessly practised. God bless those two, and give it up for Mr Huey Lewis and the News, who are surely booked for a residency in heaven.

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